Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Changing the State of a Remedy Deployable Application Programmatically to “Production”

Recently there was a query on changing the deployable application state to ‘Production” programmatically (using Driver script/API etc)

The challenge was that there was a new Deployable application “My Deployable App” that was made by a colleague which he was deploying using the rik loadapp command with in a batch file. He was also importing ARX records corresponding to the roles to group mapping for his new application into the "Roles" from. The application & roles got created and mappings with group was also correct, but the application State was “Maintenance” and he wanted to set it to “Production” automatically without any user intervention or without using Developer Studio

By default, deployable applications are imported in the Maintenance state. When an application is in the Maintenance state, only members of the Administrator group have permissions to use it. This is AR System behaviour by design,but ARsystem does allow you to change it using API calls (which Devstudio does when you change the dropdown value)

To change the state of the application, we can use driver command “sas” which stands for set application status. Below is a useful driver script snippet to change the status of the deployable application to “Production”

My Deployable Application

There is also a “gas” command that stands for get application status which can be used to retrieve the status of a deployable application

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you tell me the use of driver script?